Data Centers
Video surveillance, intrusion detection, and other physical security technologies are used extensively to help protect data centers, computer rooms, and equipment racks from outside threats. When integrated with data center key access control, these measures prevent entry for unauthorized personnel or those who would do intentional harm.
Data Center Physical Key Security Prevents Access to Computer Equipment
If you own or rent an individual server cage in a data center environment, you need to keep your equipment and data safe from physical threats. When maintenance is required, it’s critical that only authorized individhave euals have access to that hardware. Our KeyWatcher electronic key cabinets will not open until the system verifies that the user has specific permissions. This setting provides a double layer of server security – unlike competitors’ systems. These security systems can also be configured with card or biometric readers and networked for centralized control.
Server Room Key Control Systems Give Instant Notifications
Our data center key access control systems like the KeyWatcher Illuminated and KeyWatcher Touch have email and SMS¹ auto notifications to alert you anytime someone accesses a key to your data center unit. A “notes” feature lets that individual provide a detailed message, so you know what work was performed. Individuals attempting to leave the restricted data room without first returning the key for the rack lock may be denied exit from the area. Or, the key management system may send an email alert to security advising that a key has not been returned as scheduled.
Server Room Key Management Systems with Efficient Tracking & Reporting
Tracking and reporting with TrueTouch and KeyPro key management software provides a record of everyone who removed a key, when it was removed, and when it was returned to the key cabinet. Reports can run and delivered automatically to management on a regular basis. The robust reporting system will also help to track and improve processes, ensure employee honesty, and minimize security risks. You can group keys on tamper-proof key rings to help organize key sets or speed removal of more than one key for a specific use.
Streamlined Data Center Key Access Control Procedures
Save time, reduce training, and overcome language barriers with the instant key release. KeyWatcher Illuminated and KeyWatcher Touch recognize credentials and release specific keys or key sets immediately to their users or groups while cycling through available sets so that each gets equal usage.
We keep making data center key management better. It’s all part of our outside the box thinking – that you’ll find right inside the box.