Keys, Cards & Cashboxes – Key Control for Hospitality
Fundamental business metrics in the core hospitality sectors (restaurants, bars, hotels, tourism, etc.) are showing signs of improvement, prompting many owners to cautiously look at initiating any needed improvements. Along with the installation of Wi-Fi and HD video displays to upgrade the property and attract customers, many establishments are also investing in upgrades to their safety and security systems with sophisticated key control and asset management solutions.
Although not usually visible to the public, key control technology solutions can add to the establishment’s overall safety and security structure by providing guarded access to keys, cards, cashboxes and other valuable assets that may be kept on the premises. And when the goal of a hospitality service provider is to deliver the best possible experience for the guest, a reliable and efficient method of controlling and accessing keys is a necessary step in achieving this goal.
High tech key cabinets automatically record the access history of each key, including user, date and time of key access/return. The system releases assigned keys only to users (up to 2000) with the proper authorization code (either finger identification or numerical code), and cannot be manipulated or easily tampered with. A rugged stainless steel construction, illuminated key slots and near indestructible key fobs, which readily accommodate both hard keys and plastic key cards, makes the automated key cabinet ideal for heavy use environments such as those found in the hospitality industry. Modules can be configured with key boxes that hold six, eight or 18 keys and the cabinets can also be configured with large single or dual lockers to manage larger objects as efficiently as managing keys.
By integrating key control management software, facility management can more easily control the system and maximize its reporting and programmable access capabilities. For example, in the late evening when an employee has called in sick and another staff member must cover for that individual, it’s much easier for the manager to remotely authorize access to a key cabinet than to physically travel to the site to release a key. In addition, the key control software can run activity reports, sort based on different criteria, view and print reports and more, making it possible for security management and/or owners to generate useful and practical information to help maintain maximum control of access and security issues.
High tech key cabinets automatically record the access history of each key, including user, date and time of key access/return. The system releases assigned keys only to users (up to 2000) with the proper authorization code (either finger identification or numerical code), and cannot be manipulated or easily tampered with. A rugged stainless steel construction, illuminated key slots and near indestructible key fobs, which readily accommodate both hard keys and plastic key cards, makes the automated key cabinet ideal for heavy use environments such as those found in the hospitality industry. Modules can be configured with key boxes that hold six, eight or 18 keys and the cabinets can also be configured with large single or dual lockers to manage larger objects as efficiently as managing keys.
By integrating key control management software, facility management can more easily control the system and maximize its reporting and programmable access capabilities. For example, in the late evening when an employee has called in sick and another staff member must cover for that individual, it’s much easier for the manager to remotely authorize access to a key cabinet than to physically travel to the site to release a key. In addition, the key control software can run activity reports, sort based on different criteria, view and print reports and more, making it possible for security management and/or owners to generate useful and practical information to help maintain maximum control of access and security issues.